The largest of the three Indian hospitals set up in Brighton, when the Kitchener Indian Hospital opened in January 1915, it had over 1,700 beds and if necessary 1,000 more patients could be accommodated in tents or huts on the adjacent ground of the racecourse. [1] For information about the conversion of the Brighton Workhouse into the Kitchener Indian Hospital see the Preparation in Brighton section.
The Kitchener Hospital was divided into three administrative hospitals, No. I, No Y and No Z. Hospitals, each with nearly 600 beds. [2]
Much like the Pavilion Hospital, the Kitchener hospital followed the same practice of caste and ethnic separation, providing separate cooking facilities and utensils for its Sikh, Hindu and Muslim patients. (see the Caste and Ethnic Separation and the Diet and Kitchens sections of the Royal Pavilion Hospital category for further details of these practices)
1. “The Kitchener Indian Hospital”, The British Medical Journal (April 3, 1915) 612
2. Ibid.